Being a working mom is a journey that demands resilience, adaptability, and a whole lot of heart. It’s a reality filled with intricate balancing acts, emotional roller coasters, and moments of sheer pride. Being a working mom is a commendable feat that comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. Here I will share some of my own realities of being a working mom of 2 little kids and if you are a working mom too, you would be able to relate.
- You are the first one to wake up to get ready in peace before the morning chaos with the kids.
- You learn to function with little to no sleep on some days.
- You wait until you get to work to grab that hot cup of coffee.
- You think about your kids constantly in the back of your mind and check the daycare dashboard every chance you get for their updates.
- But you also dread the middle of the day phone call from the daycare to pick up your kids and wonder how would you be able to manage work for the rest of the day.
- Waking up to a sick kid means having that unpleasant and unwanted conversation with your boss for the 17th time in three months.
- You miss your baby’s milestones, the firsts of something and you never get out from that mom guilt.
- You don’t take for yourself on the weekend because you try to make up for the lost time with your kids during weekdays.
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- You get better at time management because you have a million things on your plate at all times and you have to prioritize.
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- You try to switch your role with your partner to pick up the kids instead of dropping them off. Because no matter how many times, it never truly gets easier.
- You feel like you are always struggling to balance your life with the kids and work and still feel like you are not giving your 100% in any of these.
- Your child’s daycare provider becomes your village and you do everything in your power to make that a right fit for your child.
- Despite the debilitating mom guilt you feel about sending your kids off to childcare, you also try to remind yourself that you are setting up an incredible example for your kids by not giving up on your own dreams in the midst of motherhood.